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    Manganese, 32 oz

     New DVD'S & Cd'S By Dr. Allen

    Releasing Love, Rejecting Fear
    Dr. Corinne Allen $59.00, SPECIAL only $49.00

    Healing Vibrations in Water DVD
    Healing Vibrations in Water, DVD Dr. Corinne Allen Scroll down to featured product to purchase

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     Weight and Money Clearings


    Tap around the left ear 3-4 times 1x a day

    My bell fat melts off efficiently and easily every day

    My cravings no longer control me

    I can find foods that satisfy without fat in them

    I am free of cellulite and all toxic lumps

    I no longer fear I cannot lose weight

    I am no longer driven by cravings

    I no longer create excess fat

    I no longer believe it will take a long time to lose weight

    I no longer believe my lumps will not go away

    Tap 3-4 times around the right ear and say:

    I am fully satisfied with small portions at meals

    I weigh 120 pounds and am a size 6

    I am experiencing weight loss daily to bring me balance

    My supplements work to help me balance my perfect weight

    My skin is smooth and free of cellulite

    My gall bladder  handles fat efficiently and correctly

    I am worth it to lose weight and look and feel slim

    I love exercising rigorously

    Fat burning exercises are my favorite

    I make time to exercise and take care of my physical body

    I am grateful to have more than enough energy to exercise daily



    tap on left ear 3-4 X 1X A DAY

    I no longer fear there is not enough

    I no longer believe I can't have enough

    I no longer create debt

    I no longer believe that I can't afford it

    I no longer give all the power to money

    I no longer am in lack

    I no longer believe I am not wealthy or worthy to be wealthy

    I no longer believe I do not have enough and more than enough of money or anything else

    I no longer believe I am lacking anything

    I no longer believe I can’t have prosperity and abundance

    Tap with two fingers around the top of the right ear, Meredian as you speak these affirmations

    I am enough

    I am creating enough money

    I am experiencing wealth

    I am receiving my infinite supply of money

    I am open to my affluence

    I am worth it

    I am receiving an abundance of money

    I am grateful

    I am ok creating wealth

    I am ok making  millions

    I am on handling money

    I easily bring in 10x what is going out each month in finances and resources

    I am ok handling millions

    I am Ok having a successful business

    I am Ok being an entrepreneur

    I deeply and completely love and accept myself and allow myself to let go of my blocks to making money


    Tapping 2-4 times around the left ear: negative statements

    I no longer struggle with a weak immune system

    I no longer get colds or flus

    I no long get over tired and sick from it

    I no longer stress my immune system

    I no longer eat unhealthy foods

    I no longer lose vitality by hard work

    I no longer store toxins as tumors, cysts, stones, etc

    I am no longer susceptible to picking up bugs from others

    I no longer believe that I can get anything from anyone else

    Tapping 3-4 times around the right ear: positive statements

    I am free of colds and flus

    I have a strong vital active immune system

    I have lot s of energy and vitality

    I am receiving abundant health daily

    I am healthy because I am worth it

    I am creating an abundance of killer cells to ward off all infections

    I am free to enjoy healthy lungs, sinus, and lymph

    I am experiencing complete healing from infections/immune attacks, degenerative processes in my body

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