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     New DVD'S & Cd'S By Dr. Allen

    Releasing Love, Rejecting Fear
    Dr. Corinne Allen $59.00, SPECIAL only $49.00

    Healing Vibrations in Water DVD
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    Advanced Learning & Development Institute Program

    Testimonies of June 2013 camp:

    70 year old Woman, presenting Problems:

    Naomi came to the camp with balance issues, hard of hearing, sleep issues, no stamina, lots of worry, severe chills and sweating and no temperature balance.  She has severe past distress, lots of fear, poor energy, compulsive, poor motor skills, low focus, poor coordination, sound  sensitivity, defensive,  feeling tense all the time.

    I was abused for many years growing up, sexually and physical beaten often, and had developed severe health issues as a result.  I came to camp to be free of any need for synthetics to keep me from tension, sleep problems, severe temperature changes and all my distresses and abuse for most of my growing up years.


    In the camp I got more peace of mood from ups and downs.  Lot of emotional and spiritual changes.  Lots of cleansing during program  The emotional  pattern clearing was so powerful .  I am going home like a new woman.  I have way more energy and look forward to the healthy food at home I will eat now.  We (my husband came with me) have never experiences anything so great.    For completing your life balancing there is no better place. There is so much that changed in me and my husband that we have become a new man and wife in Christ.  Naomi, Pennsylvania

    Presenting problems

    48 yr old male

    Brain inflammation severe, blood brain barrier not functioning well, gut issues, energy poor, extremely high Electromagnetic Poisoning, health issues, Many distresses in past..


    Now sleeping through the night without liver and pancreas supplements.  Lots of detox.  Feeling better in my brain and body.  I could feel brain connecting with the exercises.  Big breakthroughs with iodine and terminal oils too.  My brain feels awake again, energized. Tim, S, Oklahoma


    SETH 4, autistic presenting problems:  Little or no speech, poor eye contact.  Not potty trained, poor socialization, little comprehension,  picky eating, electromagnetic  poisoning , vaccine injury, poor manual skills, little stamina, gut issues.

    Results from program:

    More bowel movements, better eye contact, more awareness, socializing more with people, cuddly and accepting of love from all in camp.  Trying many different foods. Happier laughs more, Seems to be understanding more.  Able to follow some directions.  Very cooperative for the most sessions.  Love the way he worked better with the others that he did for me. He would grab my hand when he wanted me close.  He began to interact with everyone else in the camp.   Monica, Mother, SLD, UT


    More Camp Testimonials

    16 year oldPresenting Problems:  Matthew had birth trauma and his mother was under severe stress.  All seemed okay until started seizures at 3years.   He was vaccinated from the beginning.   Had seizures till 7 years.  At 9 injured by paint ball gun in right eye.  Lost sight.  Attends special school.    Right and left concepts confused, time confused.  Doesn’t respond consistently to verbal cues.  Delayed speech.  Hard to understand when speaks. Needs repeating of 1-3 commands before task in completed.  Is apt to be impulsive, heedless, accident-prone. Avoids eye contact.  Easier to handle in small groups or individually.  Lack s self confidence, cannot express himself well, poor articulation.  Difficulty tying shores, holding a pencil right.  Poor gross and fine hand movement like in using scissor, writing, tracing, or printing.  He is clumsy, difficulty running, swimming, hesitates in catching a ball, poor balance.

    Messy eating habits, clumsy, awkward or stiff, difficulty hopping, jumping.  Poor posture, avoids fast rides and spinning.  Resists going to Dentist or brushing teeth.  Legally blind in right eye. Undersensitive to pain.  Difficult time with math concepts and money exchange.EMF poisoning, low muscle tone, cognition poor, coordination poor.  Trouble with expression, rhythm, energy

     RESULTS:  More poised in stance and posture, More mature in his conversation and interactions. Improved discipline.  Improved control of body movements. Improved cognition. More awareness of his own responsibility for himself.  He was more calm, his facial features changed. Was less clumsy.  Began to see light in blind right eye when used to be only able to see black.  He also was able to see shadows and forms in right eye. He became more focused.  Improvement with holding head straight.  He developed quicker response time. It was especially helpful to use the pregnanalone for the myelin sheath to help the conductance of nerve flow work better and faster.  As he took the pregnanalone his response and ability improved. Matt Duin 16 years old

    Autistic 6 yrs old:  So many things He can sit and do puzzles he actually can sit to do it. He didn’t have the concentration before. He can also pick pictures words from word cards. Holy cow I didn’t know he could do that ever!  He ‘s resisting a less with his reflexes when he didn’t do before. He is listening better and obeying better.  He’s not screaming as much. He is so much better at letting me put his oils on. He doesn’t fight or bite He only squirms when I put Copaiba on his thymus or lavender on this thyroid. His neck is ticklish. He is obeying better even when he is tired.

    He laid on the light bed mostly unassisted. Last year it took 3 people to hold him on.  He responds more and more to our commands and thus minds.  HE will stay put and can amuse and play on his own.  We can now trust him out of our sight for a period of time.  He is ever so much more loving, and hugs and kisses and interacts! Stacy and Judy Wilkins on Johnnie, autistic, 6 yr old

    I feel great and I am able to retain information and able to say it back. It was great for me each day but some days were kind of hard for me but I pushed myself and had more motivation than before. I remember before coming to the brain program this time I couldn’t memorize Scripture as well. Now it is better. I have had trouble interacting with my peers (other adults) because I didn’t have the skills, but going through the brain program has helped me interact with people much better. Stace O., adult
    Stace is more positive and happy in attitude. He is a bit more disciplined. He is able to memorize a few scripture verses. He is much better at DDR (the dance coordination game). He is much more aware of other people’s needs. When he came to his first brain camp he was not independent. Now he is independent and disciplined. He was motivated to finish all of the activities on his own. This program addresses, with the reflexes, exercises, therapy, diet and essential oils, the fundamental issues of restoring the brain so that one can start to learn and God may work in a person’s life. Randy O., Stace’s dad
    Had more energy, felt more alert except when going through detox. Food was delicious! Bowel movements more regular and easy. It felt great to get off caffeine. My sleep became more peaceful and deeper. The biggest change for me as the deeper sense of trust in self with respect to my abilities to decide my own future – no longer feeling like a victum of my own making. I have a greater sense of calm about life in general. Found a greater trust and faith in God to lead me and take care of me. What this means more practical, for me, is a willingness to be comfortable not always knowing how things are going to work out but nevertheless knowing that they will work out. Put simply, I feel I’m better able to walk by faith not by sight. I now do a better job holding my head straight when walking. I used to hold it to the left. As well, I do a better job of walking with my feet heel to toe as opposed to swinging my feet out to the side.

    It was a very uplifting experience that helped me to better understand the importance of healthy eating for overall well-being. Through the program my emotional stability was enhanced. I’ve gained a greater sense of self which also helped me to have greater trust in myself and my abilities, such that I now have the belief to boldly pursue the life I want to live.

    The program was very intense – no question – but as a result you always had a task to be accomplished, which serves to keep you focused. Some of the activities were initially challenging, from a physical standpoint, but became easier as the program continued. Additionally, due to the effort required for some activities I actually noticed an increase in strength and some weight loss. I experiences some detox in the beginning, but it was very mild and went away quickly. Greg R, adult

    Presenting Problems: Severe brain injury from birth. Now a teenager. Frequent outbursts of frustration and anger. Needs a lot of sleep. Doesn’t walk right. Has inappropriate responses to visual and auditory signals.

    Results: Her eyes are starting to work together. She learned to crawl better. She is calmer (only 1 small storm). She is very content and doesn’t want to go home. She is functioning with much less sleep. She can walk somewhat better. She can do the reflexes sometimes even well. She is having more appropriate responses to the visual and auditory testing. I am pleased for Jessica’s awesome cooperation and tolerance for the work, even when she was tired. This is the first time that we have had a professional person tell us that there is lots of potential and hope for our child to be able to function “normally” and independently if we do 5 years of therapy! Dr. Allen has exactly the “right” combination of patience, determination, optimism, tolerance, and kindness to work very effectively with my daughter and get the best efforts from her.

    I am amazed at how well it all went, living with other people whom I just met. Everyone was caring and friendly, which helps a lot. I thought I would be having “healing cries”, but it really was not like that. I experienced detox headaches, often, usually around suppertime. But the colored glasses, eased the symptoms, both emotionally and physically. A lot of the therapy is hard work physically, and seems tedious, but it brings powerful results and is well worthwhile doing. I expected a lot from Dr. Allen and she has not disappointed me at all! She is very generous with her caring and time. I received lots of emotional healing.

    I would encourage people who have not found the answers for their particular needs to come, ready to trust God and believe for good results. Jessica S., mother

    Presenting Problems: Alcoholism addiction, tobacco addiction, pornography addiction, poor sleep, dysfunctional socially and in family. Alcoholic binges. Angry, undisciplined, out of control, couldn’t hold a job.

    Results: The changes in my husband were incredible! His energy increased, his tremendous mood swings leveled out, his spiritual desire was reignited. His ability to follow directions without being overwhelmed improved. I also noticed that he became more aware of other’s feelings instead of just concentrating on his own. His sense of purpose and well being were before this program lost and aimless. He is able to think more rationally. Evan became aware of the hurt he caused others and is willing to humbly make amends. He also lost his desire for alcohol, cigarettes, and other addictions. He realized he is no longer a slave to addictions and expressed that he didn’t want them to be a part of his life. We saw a miracle! I loved watching my husband become more even emotionally and more tender toward me and others. It’s so exciting to think that our marriage and lives will be renewed because of the changes that have taken place here. I know he’ll be able to work again. We have such excitement for the future and most of all his desire for the Lord is back!!! I love it that he no longer identifies himself as an alcoholic or any other addictive label. You met all our needs physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    I would highly recommend this program. The changes we saw emotionally and spiritually were amazing. So much healing took place because the pathways of the brain and his spirit were opened. I saw a personality shift in my husband – no more drastic mood swings, able to cope with stress, able to overcome addictions, more energy and a zest for life, clearer and more rational thinking, a hunger for God. Evan’s true heart is coming back to the sweet, gentle, loving man he truly is. This program is truly amazing – we saw changes starting with day one. You won’t find a program like this anywhere else. We have life, and life abundant, thank you, Dr. Allen. What a miracle – what an amazing experience. This is true healing. Sherry G., wife of Evan.

    Presenting Problems: Could not carry on a normal conversation. Could not run. Could not pick up on nonverbal clues. No motivation, no energy. Very negative and one track thinking. Cannot remember what she reads. Unable to work or go to school. Uncooperative and very stubborn. No social life. Not able to comprehend what she read. Slow reader. Not able to function independently or make adult decisions.

    Results: More energy, sleeping is much better and adapting to a schedule. She is more alert. She and her mother had some coherent conversations. She is processing better. Better eye contact. She is now expressing emotions. It is so nice to be able to have a conversation with my (adult) daughter. Erin can follow conversations better. Less fearful.

    Months after the program her mother writes: She went from very deeply ingrained, immature behavior, directly to mature behavior in one step in one evening. Erin is starting to watch adult movies. (She would only watch cartoons, kid movies, and fantasies before. I couldn't even PAY her to go to an adult movie with me.) We watched "The Great Debaters" tonight, and she even got some of the deeper meanings in it and kept pausing it to talk about them. We had several good discussions. She even read some of the body language! She especially got the "never quit" message which really inspired her, and she rewound it twice to listen to it again. I told her to put the DVD in the mail to return it in the morning, but she wants to watch it again tomorrow. Erin has been making some strange comments such as: "I am so angry and bitter. When I was a child, I didn't even know I was alive. Now that I know I'm alive, I realize that I missed out on my WHOLE CHILDHOOD!" People used to tell us that she just hadn't woken up yet, that some day she would "wake up", but she never did. I think she is suddenly "waking up" at the age of 25! It's wonderful. Before No social life, no education, no job, no place of her own, no friends, no boyfriend, etc. These things never even occurred to her before. Now these things are huge. She is now ready to deal with life.

    Presenting Problems: Severe seizures many times during the day. No new words in years, almost non verbal except for a few repeated phrases, no physical endurance, poor balance, cannot follow directions, comprehend, read, write, severe autistic symptoms.Kaylee before she came to the program and before using Maxgxl struggled on several different levels. Her issues included epilepsy, autism and brain injury and because of that she deals with severe developmental delays and she functions at the level of a 18 – 24 month old child. Physically in the last 2 years Kaylee has been having trouble walking. She would walk with assistance or very slow and there would often be times when we would find her on he ground scooting or crawling at 10-11 years of age. After many test none could give an explanation as to why this was happening so we started physical therapy and other efforts with no success. Also, with the drug she takes for her epilepsy her energy was so depleted that many times the schools could not get her to stay up long enough to learn or do various activities throughout the day.

    Results: The immediate results after the first 2 days at the camp were amazing. She is doing things I never thought she would do. When we came to the brain camp one of the first things the doctor did was to increase the amount of MaxGXL Kaylee was taking. What we found was that her ability to absorb the MaxGXL at amazing rates was because of the physical demand s of the therapies and the MaxGXL gave her energy levels she has not had in a long time. There was one time when Kaylee began to shake and was struggling with walking and we gave her glutathione and she immediately got up and shot off across the room with no need of assistance in walking. I was truly amazed. At the brain camp Kaylee said new words she has never said before and clearer words, and has begun expressing herself like never before. Her seizures were numerous during the day and reduced to almost none. Her gait is usually very unstable and she was now able to walk on gravel which was a miracle and she normally has trouble walking on concrete. As we continue the home program and MaxGXL we find her energy levels are up. She is continuing to make amazing strides and we are so excited because we know that the brain camp and the supplements she is on have changed our lives and given us hope that we have not had in the last 11 years. To the mothers who are crying out for your children, who are looking and hoping for an answer - there is hope! We found that hope in the Advanced Learning & Development brain camp and in the help from MaxGXL that Kaylee continues to take. This program gives us immediate results and they were incredible. Her school could not help, but this program has helped and made the difference. Kaylee is calmer and more at peace. Mkale W., mother.

    Presenting Problems: Emotional, trouble processing information, can’t explain information, gets frustrated or upset both with verbal and written forms. Trouble telling time. Won’t allow parents to touch her. Does not interact with family rather stays in her room.

    Response: After only the first 12 days of the program she was not as anxious in the car, apologized to mom (would not do before). Let her mom touch her. Listened to her mom after she was warned about her behavior one time. Much more calm, especially when she’s told what to do. Not anxious, very patient, not rude and listened in church More controlled and calm. More open to touch and communication. Showed genuine concern and love for her mom asking if she was okay. She became more affectionate, more physical, happier, more peaceful and calm as well as more thoughtful and considerate in actions. Judee H (13 yr old)

    Observations from participant or parent: impulsive, does not accept changes in routine easily, mixed dominance, easily distracted by sounds. Lack of self-confidence, stubborn, and rigid. Tendency to feel badly in a car while in motion. Time management problems. Sleep difficulty.

    Response: Calmed down, Visual field and patterning got better. More calm internally. Increased sense of well-being. More stable with twirling or moving motions. Less volatile. Went through serious family traumas after the program that she didn’t think she could have handled without the help of the program. Jackie A (adult)

    Observations of participant or parent: Easily distracted by sounds: seems to hear sounds that go unnoticed by others. Needs repeating of 1-3 step commands. Poor auditory discrimination. Easily distracted. Has outburst or tantrums.

    Response: After first 12 days, more calm about situations at work. Feels a lot of passion. Feeling better. Less distracted by lots of noise. Better posture when sitting. Easier to climb, more rhythmic. Holds on to things that bother him less. Memory in some ways better. Weight better. Left side of body and eyes are better. Clearer minded, less frustrated, holds on to negative emotions for less time. David M (adult)

    Observations of participant or parent: Long term chronic fatigue and immune breakdown.

    Reponse: I am more relaxed. More relaxed within myself. I used to be so impatient when had to wait, now feel calmer, not an issue. Alexandra G (adult)

    Observations of participant or parent: Avoids eye contact, confusion in right and left concepts, and time. Easily distracted by sounds, delayed speech, hard to understand when speaks, needs repeating of 1-3 step commands before task is completed. Avoids eye contact, strong desire for sameness and routine, easier to handle in small groups or individually, trouble making needs known in appropriate manner. Inability to express self, poor articulation, poor organization of sentences. Difficulty tying shoes, use of scissors, and writing. Messy eater, poor posture. Avoids getting hands messy. Easily distracted by visual stimulation. Difficulty listening when background noise, fearful in dark.

    Response: Nathan was more energetic, comprehended more and wanted to speak and made sure that you understood him. Nathan J (14yrs)

    Observations of participant or parent: Unable to put thoughts into action consistently, needs repeating of 1-3 step commands, easily frustrated, does not accept change of routine easily. Easier to handle individually, anxiety attacks, poor writing, fearful in dark, deep sadness, loss of self-esteem, premature birth, poor speller, sleep problems.

    Response: More calm, easier to get to sleep, not waking up in the night. Eyes improved. Able to go outside at night without fear, more patient with family and self. Able to follow directions easier. Reading and concentration improved. Alicia W (15 yr old)

    Observations of participant or parent: Addictive personality, impulsive, voice modulation. Inability to read social clues, depression. Needs higher cognitive thinking, poor gross motor, need for acceptance and love from peers. Very hyperactive,

    Response: Calmer, quieter. No need for drugs to control hyperactivity and behavior. Doing better in school. My daughter has been off all medication for 4 months. She was on medication since she was 7 years old. Doctors told me that she would be on medication for life, because they had no way to correct the chemical imbalances and brain issues imbalances. Today my daughter is carrying a full class load with a “C: average for the first time in her life. She still complains about school being boring, but she’s making it through the work. There has been a definite improvement with peers. Kids are actually coming up to her and wanting to be her friend. She’s excited that they’re calling her on the phone and wanting to talk. This program offered hope for my daughter when we had tried everything else. Thank you. K. H. (13 yr old)

    Observations of participant or parent: Impulsive, avoids eye contact, easily frustrated, delayed speed, easily distracted, overly sensitive to loud noises, appears intelligent, but unable to put thoughts into action consistently, prefers to be alone, withdraws from groups, anxiety attacks, strong anger and rage, repeats everything, inability to express herself, walks on toes. Weaker than children her own age, uses too much force when playing with children or toys. Distracted by lots of noise, dislikes touch, reacts to smells and touch, texture of foods, difficulty riding bike, craves deep pressure touch, fusses about footwear, picky eater, hurts other children or pets during play, no remorse, hands flapping, poor comprehension.

    Response: More compliant, gave better eye contact. Got dressed faster and listened better. She got along with her brothers better, less fighting with them. Calmer, seemed more aware of everything around her. Less aggressive, more obedient, more compliant, less arm flapping. Less loud and boisterous, quiet while waiting. Played alone, less out of control. This program is awesome and unbelievable differences within a matter of days! Mariah M (8 yrs old)

    Observations of participant or parent: My daughter was identified by the school district as having learning difficulties. She had auditory processing problems, could not do rote memory, inability to follow three step directions, speech delays, visual perception problems and the list went on. We had nine years of different therapies.

    Response: What the Advanced Learning program did is bring a peace and focus to my daughter. She has been able to organize her school work and stay on task. She is finally able to memorize math facts, or come up with solutions that work for her. She is completing her school work more quickly and is less frustrated. She is still receiving vision and auditory therapy, but doctors are impressed with some of the changes. J. H. (11 years)

    Observations of participant or parent: Hypersensitive to sounds, smells, taste, touch. Avoids touch, reading causes headaches, eye squinting and rubbing. Excessively tired, low self-esteem, unsure of judgments, decision making hard.

    Response: My daughter has become more affectionate and seeks out more physical touch. She is less resistant to taking vitamins/supplements. She is more cooperative and less defensive. She is more open to ideas and seems more confident and self-assured. Mother of C. H (14 years)

    Observations of participant or parent:

    Response: Remembers better for tests in school. Lots of emotional release during program. Calmness, decrease in rigidity. I saw and liked the emotional peace that Kristi displayed after her “hard therapies” Great healing there. Began to sleep better Easier to take tests, speech more clear. Learning and concentrating easier. Kristina H ( 28 yrs)

    Confusion in right and left concepts, delayed speech, hard to understand when speaks, strong desire for sameness and routine, inability to express self well, poor organization of sentences, can’t tie shoelaces, dressing, poor balance, overly sensitive to sounds, tires easily, stiff awkward in movements, picky eater dislikes mushy foods, reading difficulties.


    While I was on this program my hearing got better and my vision got better and I get along with people a lot better than I used to. And I don’t have as many twitches. Thank you for helping me with this stuff. Ben D (13 years old)

    I seem calmer. People say I’m calmer. I’m less tired. I’m not as annoying. I’m not so loud. I seem to listen to people more. I can be by myself without wanting to be with people. People say they think I’m better to hang out with. I don’t argue with my sisters as much. I don’t get tired when exercising as much. I can read and concentrate better. I’m thinking more positively. I don’t argue with my mom and dad as much. I can do a task without getting distracted. Judee H. (13 years)

    The Advanced Learning and Development Institute, has helped my eyesight and my ears. The supplements have help my energy and mood! I also can go out in the dark easier. The support was also good. Alicia W (15 years)

    Mariah has showed periods of great improvement in regards to compliance and disposition. I’ve noticed better eye contact and she ran into a friend from school at the grocery store and was very friendly to her when before she would just ignore her. It’s been easier to get her into the bath and get dressed without a fight. Mariah M. (8 years)

    I thought this was a very intense program physically and emotionally. Quite a few symptoms came to me during this experience, which made me feel as if I was experiencing a heavy cleanse. I felt as if I was very relaxed when dealing with everything through this experience. I look forward to experiencing all of the benefits from this program. Alexandra G. (adult)

    This week was a lot different than I expected it to be. I actually had a lot of fun. I met a lot of new people and made some good friends. The staff were really great, too. Thank you to everyone who works here. Because of this experience I saw a change in my energy level. I seem to be a lot more energetic. It was also neat to see the effects this program had on the others in the group. Thank you Dr. Allen for all you have done. C. H. (14 years)

    This program has been a once in a lifetime experience for me. It helped me with many things like noises which used to bug me a lot, it’s not as bad any more. Now I don’t get car sickness too much. It also helped me on my math and school work. Thank you so much. J.H. (10 years)

    The ALDI program is the fastest, most thorough program I have learned of. I was pleased to know Dr. Allen and her team were very supportive and positive throughout the process. My “hopeful” goals were to help my brain to work more effectively. What could have taken me weeks with much distress in a rehab center I went through in 2-3 days with much less stress. I also found this was a bonding experience with my daughter who also benefited greatly from this program. Heidi W.(adult)

    The program has helped me to stay more emotionally balanced. I feel less intense and more relaxed. I had a “wall” or barrier in my brain that I could feel held me back from accomplishing goals in my life which I have had for many years. I now know that I can accomplish those goals. I have enjoyed the program and will recommend it to anyone who is interested in improving their life and accomplishing goals and tasks the Lord has for each of us. Beverly M.(adult)

    Measurable improvements: visually my distorted color fields dramatically improved. Movement: By the end of the 12 days the patterns were straight forward and no longer a struggle. My crawling and creeping reflected this improvement. Mid program I realized my normal internal “clamor” had quieted down. Several times I experiences a sense of “well-being” which is unusual for me. The intensity of my reactions also seems to have lessened. I am hoping all this indicates emotional healing. It will be interesting to see how much all this affects my ability to organize, focus and stay on task. Jackie A. (adult)

    This program has helped me in a few ways that I have noticed, like when my mom or somebody is explaining something to me I can understand it easier. I’m not as hyper anymore and I pay more attention to many things. I actually let my mom hug me or touch me. Usually I just don’t like that. It’s hard for me to know what’s happened but my mom tells me what’s changed. It easier to do a whole lot of things now. Judee M (14 years old)
    What Participants or Parents think about the program:

    Tim, 48, severe brain fog, post distresses, inflammation in gut and brain said: The staff was awesome and spoiled us.   I ‘d  recommend it to anyone with brain issues.  Dr. Allen hits it on every level possible. Plus you learn about voltage and gamma waves in brain and other factors like blood brain barrier which most don’t know much about let alone know how to support it..    Every day was an experience.  The different exercises were all awesome and powerful.   The light sessions and essential oils all worked differently in the brain, and even the different exercises, you could feel them working.  The emotional pattern releases we did, talking things through and letting things to gave a whole feeling of peace and breakthrough as well.    You will learn about the voltage and electricity in your brain and body and how to increase it and turn it back on!

    This brain camp is the most powerful tool to improve your life and relationships spiritually, physical and mentally!!!,  Karla, Lousiana

    Colette from  Iowa on changes in her and her two children and herself.  Changes in Mom:   I am a much more relaxed person and am at peace. I had no idea  I, myself (here to support my children, not as a participant) would get so many benefits from the camp.  The things I have been taught are very powerful and so happy that now I have other tools to help my family with.  The emotional pattern clearing has changed my life!  My daughter has a bad day with her clothing but after a few oils she was a different child.  Just shows how powerful oils can be. 

    The program and living arrangements really helped bond everyone together.  We were able to share highs and lows together and help each other through.  At times hard to keep the kids motivated to keep working.  Everything is worth it though when you see positive changes happening in the kids.  The program helps repair damage not just neural connections to the brain, but yet it is so much more.  We had no idea how sensitive Lainey was to things.  The emotional pattern release was a huge thing for our family and know the kids are in a better place now.  There are not enough words to tell you how grateful and thankful we are.

    The program changes the way the brain works in a natural way.  There are not chemicals or dugs used.  Everything is done in a healthy way to help the body bring balance.   I did not know what to expect coming the Brain camp or if  it could help my children.  The days flew by as we were kept very busy. Received benefits from the camp I wasn’t even expecting for myself and my children.  I didn’t know what to expect from the camp but what happened far exceeds anything I could have imagined.  We are very thankful for the experience has been life changing for the whole family. 

    Mother of 4 year old autistic, Seth:

    Wow, where to start in what I think about the program  The payer sessions and the  Releasing of Emotional Patterns are so powerful and I’ve never found anything like it coupled with the brain work and everything else.  This program is unique.  Nothing else is like it.  As Dr. Allen says “It is God given”  So it is.  Some of my most special experiences had to do with my emotional pattern clearings and the prayer sessions. They help the parents, not just the kids.   Since the days we have worked on those,  my days have felt lighter and more peaceful and joyful.  My experiences with my housemates at the camp housing,  has also been quite a loving experience.  I believe it is divinely chosen who is up here together.  The people have been so kind, loving and compassionate to each others’s  healing needs.  I am grateful.  The energy of being here is amazing.  The beauty of the surrounding nature is Gods gift.  The love and passion and compassion that Dr. Allen displays is truly what love is all about.

    Father of Yvette S:  The program was worth every penny.  We have friends that are “prime” candidates for this program.  And can see from the experience of others during our camp that our friends with similar problems would find help.  We needed good results to get motivation to restart and continue with Yvette’s recovery.  And God provided it!  I especially appreciated the focus on the True Source of Yvette’s healing.  Special prayer times were sources of strength.    A highlight of this brain camps was the sessions with a dedicated prayer “therapist” who assisted us as a family to keep our focus on “First Things” (our relationship with our creator).  After all, any healing that would happen here, would be from Him as source as he used this place, this staff, and these therapists as His instruments.
    Mother of Yvette:  We received renewed hope for Yvette and her potential for full recovery.  For us, for Yvette, it was worth it!  We have not had the opportunity to expose her to some of the modalities used in this program, like reflex therapy and some of the supplements used, plus the oils.  I would recommend this program because I believe in the principles it stands on:  the plasticity and redundancy of the brain.  This program allows the brain structure to be changed through all the different modalities offered.  I am not aware of another program that integrates this many different modalities at the same time.  Also there is the advantage for those who are not aware of the role nutrition and spiritual health to see how they play into the overall development of a person, brain injured or not.  It brought us renewed hope and motivation to re-engage in helping Yvette with her recovery.  Being in a home setting for the meals brought the people together. 

    Denise, Captain Airline Pilot:
    I would highly recommend this program to everyone, especially if they are on an airline crew or travel a lot. I would have them check for TCP’s and other neurotoxins.  This program saved my life and headed me toward a long and healthy life.  Because of the toxic world we live in, I think everyone should go through the program.  I have never seen or heard of any program as complete as this one. This program is also awesome for all the children with problems.  I saw miracles in the children that were in the program with me. I cannot say on paper enough about the program.  Thanks
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    Shiloh Institute
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