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    Healing Vibrations in Water DVD
    Healing Vibrations in Water, DVD Dr. Corinne Allen Scroll down to featured product to purchase

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     How to Stimulate Nerve Growth
    Nerve Growth Stimulation

     Have the child shut his eyes and you touch him with a finger on random places on his face/limbs/chest with unpredictable waiting periods between touches. The anticipation and wake-up creates nerve growth factors and makes it possible for changes to be made faster.  To enhance the nerve stimulation for more nerve growth, add a variety of things that touch the face, arms, chest, legs (on bare skin).  You can use a feather, rock, sandpaper, cotton ball, silk, toothbrush, ice cube, toothpick, crayon, pencil eraser, etc. 

    This exercise is very powerful for making new nerve pathways in the brain.  It can be done several times throughout the day, like upon arising, at or before or after a meal, before bed.  Remember these can be 30-second sessions.  The more frequent these touch sessions are at 30-60 second intervals, the faster you will see changes in the nervous system of your child, or adult.

    Essential oils will speed up the ability of the brain to make and keep new connections from stimulation.

    Before you do this touch session apply the essential oil (only Young Living brand) Copaiba to the nerve points on the shoulders.  (see diagram).  Each time you do the touch stimulating session apply the essential oil.  Before you apply it spin the couple drops of copaiba in the palm of your hand with your index finger clockwise to activate this powerful essential oil even more.

    Using the essential oil will not only  bring balance and stimulation to the nervous system to help it heal itself, but it will facilitate building more neurons (nerve cells and axons and dendrites) when you touch the body with a particular stimulus.his method not only works for children but for seniors who are losing their memory and having signs of dementia. 

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