Inflammation, Free Radicals Cause Neuro Behavioral Disorders
Most oxidative stress at the cellular level is caused by free radicals damaging otherwise healthy cells,.It is at the root cause of more than 70 chronic degenerative diseases. Including neuro behavioral disorder. (Attention Deficit Disorder, Telos Net Health, ADHD Understanding the Problem, National Institute of Health, 2005)
Although the evidence is still correlative, the oxygen free radical theory has strong experimental support and has promise for facilitating a better understanding of the "disease-free", aging brain. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2000 Jun;46(4):699-707.The aging brain, metals and oxygen free radicals.Samson FE, Nelson SR. Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Ralph L Smith Research Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City 66160-7336, USA. |
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