Dr. Corinne Allen, international author, lecturer, researcher and practitioner in natural health, nutrition and neuro-developmental education for over 30 years, is an expert on how to affect brain health, learning and behaviour problems without drugs. She is a recognized healthcare leader for her natural and practical approach to health regarding stimulating permanent changs in the brain for issues like ADD, autism, asperger's, dyslexia, learning disabilities, academic and behavioural issues and acute and chronic brain injuries. She has developed a brain program, called "The Allen Brain Method", which facilitates the connection of neurological pathways for brain cells which are injured, damaged, missing or not properly working. Dr Allen's brain research through the Advanced Learning & Development Institute has helped many families find help, solutions and hope for their brain problems.
Your Brain on Water comprises research and results unlike any other DVD you will find on an international scale. Dr. Allen addresses how water and dehydration affect: ADD, Aggressiveness, Aging, ALS, Alzheimers, Anger, Anorexia, Anxiety, Autism, BiPolar, Brain Allergies, Bulemia, Comas, Compulsive-Obsessive, Concentration, Depression, Down's Syndrome, Fearfulness, Inflammation, Learning, Memory, Mood Swings, Motor Neuron Disease, MS, Nervousness, Panic Attacks, Parkinson's Post-Traumatic Stress, Pregnancy, Schizophrenia, Seizures, Sleep Apnea, Stress, Strokes, Suicide, Tics, Traumatic Brain Injury.