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Developed to compliment Cooking Naturally, Dr. Allen's Food Combining DVD clarifies in greater depth how you can eat for energy, health, vitality and longevity by eating lo stress for more
With the affluence of today and broad food choices, one eats without thought of how it affects the body or one's health. Lo Stress food combining is a method of eating. Essentially, it is a simplified food combining system. If you learn the basic principles of lo-stress food combining, you can adapt it so you're able to select foods under any circumstance. This DVD explains in greater depth eating a lo-stress food diet. Those who take to heart the principles this DVD lays out will discover they're digesting their foods easier and quicker, bringing greater health to their colon, decreasing stress on their heart and digestive system and most importantly, because of the efficiency with which the body can digest and utilize lo-stress foods, the body will have enough energy to ALSO purify, rebuild tissue, and so increase one's overall daily endurance level.